

? ? ? Hasn't it happened to you that you suddenly stare at the ceiling without knowing what to do? We all have those moments when we feel fed up with the daily routine and on top of that, we can't think of anything to do when we are this bored. There are studies that indicate that "boredom" is actually a by-product of "procrastination", and the truth is that it is convenient for all of us to eliminate that feeling or behavior from our lives.  So, if you are looking for innovative and profitable ideas with which to occupy your free time to make it more productive and at the same time fun, here we share 100 things to do when bored at night: FUN THINGS YOU CAN DO WHEN YOU'RE BORED  ACTIVITIES TO THE OUTDOORS: Spending some time daily in the sunlight, surrounded by fresh air and in contact with nature, can help us improve our mood. It is healthy for both our physical and mental health, to be active outside whenever we can and here are some ideas. Join a spo...

White Night and 10 other things to do this weekend in Granada

White Night, concerts, theater, and much more for the first weekend of May in Granada May arrives and with it the traditional Crosses, one of the most deeply traditional festivals in Granada and one of the most beloved by the people of Granada. This Friday, the White Night is celebrated, with more than 200 cultural activities that will take place in different corners of the city and completely free of charge. Two critical events for the first weekend of May, completed with theater, concerts, shows, and much more, for four days. Here we propose 12 plans that you cannot miss this weekend in Granada. May 1 Crosses Next Friday, May 3, Granada will experience one of its most representative festivals: the Day of the Cross. A spring holiday that falls this year on Friday, so a massive attendance of people is expected on the city's streets. On this occasion,  20 crosses with a bar will  be installed to enliven the party, although  another 42 crosses  will be visited. 2 The W...